Lynn R. Casey Award


Each year the Lincoln Stamp Club awards a lead crystal cup, called the Lynn R. Casey Award, established in 2004, to a member of the Club who performed outstanding volunteer service to the club in the preceding year. The cup is engraved with the member’s name and the year of the award. It travels to the home of the award-winner for the year and then moves on. The award was established in recognition and memory of a Lynn Casey, a former member of the Club.


  • 2024: LaVonne Uffelman
  • 2022: Dave and Rose Wallman
  • 2019: Dale Niebuhr
  • 2018: Mark Sellhorn
  • 2016: Cynthia Carlson
  • 2014: Helen and Carl Marks
  • 2010: Ron Ecklund
  • 2009: George Wagner
  • 2008: David Frye
  • 2007: Joel Johnson
  • 2006: Alan Anderson
  • 2005: Kenneth Pruess
  • 2004: Ronald D. Bohling.

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